Tuesday, August 23, 2022

 Based upon all the nonsense over the years, I suggest we change the rules for running for President in this country.

Must be under age 70 at the start of any term
Must provide ten years of tax returns when first filing to run as a candidate.
Must have held elected political office of any type at any level at some point in their life. Appointment jobs don't qualify.
Upon being elected, no relative of any level of any branch of the family tree would be eligible for the presidency for at 35 years.
Presidential term shall be six years. One term per lifetime.
No one remotely connected to the family tree may hold any federal position while family head is occupying WH.
All stocks and all investments and ownerships of any and all businesses must be put into a "business cooler" for term of office, thus ensuring no benefit of any type can ever be gained then, or in the future, from winning the Presidency.
Any current federal, state, or county officeholder must resign current position in full, with no hope of re-instatement, before filing to run for the Presidency.

 Inflation is leveling off, mortgage rates have dropped slightly, gas prices continue to drop steadily, more people have returned to work post-pandemic, the stock market had a great month, Congress has passed a few bills to benefit the entire country, and we aren't at war anywhere I know of. No Chinese citizens/spies have wandered into the WH or Biden's Delaware estate. No former prisoners of war have been denigrated and ridiculed. No one in Biden's admin. has openly stated women should be grabbed in their crotch. No one in Biden's admin. is recommending that scientists look into the possibility of injecting bleach to treat Covid Round Two, Monkeypox, or the Flu. Positive steps have been taken to battle climate change. Mr Biden has zero control over that wacko Putin, whose war has inflamed the international economy just when it was starting to recover from the Pandemic. Ports are busier than ever, freight trains are rolling full, truck drivers are in huge demand, wages have increased, car sales are ticking back up, more alleged crooks from the Trump admin. are being found and investigated, subpoenaed, indicted, charged, invited to testify. Untold numbers of boxes of highly classified material have been recovered making our nation that much safer. Recovered from a former sitting yahoo of a moronic President, btw. Yeah, I think Biden has done a great job as caretaker of the Office, to restore sanity, stability, integrity to the Office, and calmed our relations with leaders of other countries.