Sunday, May 31, 2020

Fixing our Systemic National Problems Tied to Racial Inequality

Systemic problems, for sure. 

Multiple areas to start, primarily, I believe, with how we fund public education. Property tax-sources only insure keeping the poor, poor; keeping their schools in poor conditions, unable to buy technology, fix the a/c, the heat, broken windows, or have green practice fields and planetariums and indoor pools like th rich people, mostly white, have out in the 'burbs.

 We fix public education funding by transferring oil company subsidies, in place since 1913, to state education budgets.

 We fix public education by reducing the $985B farm bill that includes payments to people NOT to grow products, and shift that money to state education budgets. 

We cut NASA's budget since there is now a private space exploration company, and shift that money to state education budgets.

 We stop building $13B aircraft carriers (we have 13 now) and move a ton of the mil. indust. complex funding to state education budgets.

 We go after slum lords, like Jarod Kushner as a prime example, and others of his ilk, nationwide, and enforce the laws already on our books. 

When we get the schools upgraded, when we stop putting inner-city highways through only the poorest neighborhoods, when we get banks and grocery stores to go into, and stay, in inner-city neighborhoods, we might, one day, see some progress. 

In other words, equal opportunity and hope and education opportunities will go a long way towards changing our systemic mess.

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